Lynn Mulholland & True North Career and Life Coaching Presents:

Tackling Professional Female Burnout: How Powerful Women Harness and Tame the Competing Challenges of Work & Life

A 6-Week Small Group Interactive Coaching Workshop 


We were told by the generation of women before us – those who battled to crack the glass ceiling – that the torch was being passed to us. WE now had the opportunity – no, the responsibility – to continue their fight. To shatter that ceiling and climb even higher. We were expected to obtain advanced degrees in order to aspire for executive, corner office roles, and not “waste” our degrees or education on anything less.


Additionally, there was still the expectation to get married, have kids, maintain our roles as caregivers, moms, partners.


Gender roles didn’t shift, the balance of work and responsibilities didn’t shift. As a result, we piled more and more on to our already spinning plates, balancing them precariously in the air, only to shoulder the burden of crushing self-disappointment when eventually – predictably – a plate falls to the group and breaks.


The pandemic was our final straw. The one that forced the issue of our exhaustion and burnout when our once compartmentalized, bi-furcated corporate and family/caregivers roles came crashing together under one roof. Suddenly we had to reconcile these multiple internal personalities who were often at odds with each other and stretching us past our limits. All day, every day we were faced with our lack of ability, capacity, to be our best at any of these roles.


We developed coping habits, often unhealthy ones, struggling to understand what and how to care for ourselves. In denial that we needed to put ourselves first.  We are burned out in the middle of our lives, but we aren’t ready to “tap out” of our careers, lives, hobbies. We want balance, meaning, and a vision of our future that not only feels fulfilling, but IS fulfilling.


Are you ready to tackle all this and more with a like-minded group of women?


Sign up below if you're interested for additional information! 


What you can expect from this workshop:

  • A focused, safe, supportive small group setting of 8 or fewer participants
  • Focused topics tailored to the specific needs of the group
  • An interactive, open discussion and share environment
  • 6 weeks of support, guidance, and learning
  • Productive, positive steps to move forward with an attitude of joy-filled empowerment 
  • Workshop Session Dates/Times: TBD based on group participant schedules
  • NOTE! This opportunity is limited to a maximum of 8 participants; seats are filled on a first come/first served basis

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